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Class Q and QQ

After a doctor attests to the applicant's disability on forms provided by the DNR License Section to all license agents around the state, a permanent card is issued by the South Charleston DNR License Section.

Holders of the Special Class Q or QQ permit may possess a loaded firearm and hunt from a motor vehicle but only under the following circumstances:

  1. The motor vehicle is stationary;
  2. The engine of the motor vehicle is not operating;
  3. The permittee and one individual, who is at least sixteen years of age, to assist the
    permittee are the only occupants of the vehicle;
  4. The individual assisting the permittee may not hunt with a firearm, bow or crossbow
    while assisting the permittee;
  5. The vehicle is not parked on the right-of-way of any public road or highway; and
  6. The permittee observes all other pertinent laws and regulations.

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