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Try It - Snowflakes Up Close

Have you ever seen a snowflake up close and gazed at the intricacies of their six-sided geometric patterns? Here's a simple fun activity that anyone can do during a cold snowy winter's day to really get a good look at snowflakes.

Materials needed
Magnifying glass, small black piece of construction paper or black material such as felt and, most importantly, fresh falling snow.

Place the black paper or material in the freezer overnight to get it nice and cold. The next time it snows, gather your magnifier and frozen paper or material and head outside. Gently let a few falling snowflakes land on the frozen background. Use the magnifier to view your captures. Can you count the number of sides? Look at the subtle differences between flakes. Can you find two that match? Try this during different types of snowfalls such as a dry soft snow versus a wet snowfall since some will view better than others. Enjoy the wonders of winter!

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