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Aquatic Invasive Species

Invasive aquatic species are an increasing threat to aquatic ecosystems across the country. Introductions of invasive zebra mussels and round gobies have had impacts on sport fishing in Lake Erie, and some species of Asian carp are threatening the Great Lakes and Mississippi and Ohio rivers as well. Recreational impacts and economic costs associated with invasive species can be substantial if invasive species do become a problem. Control measures usually are very expensive and difficult to implement. Informing anglers of these threats is important because they are our best and first line of defense to guard against invasive species. We are concerned that invasive aquatic species could become established in West Virginia and cause significant harm to our aquatic environments, particularly sport fish populations.

For information on Asian Carp

For information on Didymo (Rock Snot)

For information on Snakehead Fish

Anglers Alert

Report a sighting of an Aquatic Invasive Species(Asian Carp, Snakehead)

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